Welcome to The Brick Stand, where we dive into the world of LEGO with enthusiasm and expertise! Today, we’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on a charming addition to the LEGO Ideas program – the “Modern Family – Jay and Gloriaouse” set, designed by the talented Countdraynor. With 2,246 supporters already on board and 554 days left to reach the milestone 10,000 mark, this set has already captured the imagination of many LEGO enthusiasts. Join us as we take a closer look at this delightful creation and explore what makes it so special.

“¡Viva la Modern Family! 🏡💫”

The Modern Family – Jay and Gloriaouse LEGO Ideas set is a delightful homage to the iconic TV show that has captured the hearts of millions of fans. This set features Jay and Gloria’s stunning modern house, meticulously recreated with over 2900 pieces. The unique modern architecture of the house offers a satisfying and at times challenging building experience that will captivate both LEGO enthusiasts and Modern Family devotees. The attention to detail is evident in the set’s design, as it includes a great selection of figures, 3 additional legs and torsos for outfit changes, as well as beloved characters like Stella the dog and ‘Robot Phil.’ One of the most enticing aspects of this set is the inclusion of iconic scenes from the show, such as ‘Robot Phil’ and ‘Mr. Grumpy’, immortalized in LEGO form. This set allows fans to relive their favorite moments from the series and create new ones, offering a dynamic and engaging building and display experience. With its extensive array of figures and intricate details, the Modern Family – Jay and Gloriaouse set is a standout addition to any LEGO collection, appealing to fans of the show and LEGO enthusiasts alike. If you’re a fan of Modern Family, this set is a must-have for your collection, allowing you to showcase unforgettable scenes and characters from the beloved series in stunning LEGO form.

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