Introducing the LEGO Ideas Old Stone House set, a remarkable creation by the talented designer GabKremo. This set is currently garnering support from fans and enthusiasts alike, and we believe it would be a fantastic addition to the LEGO lineup, especially alongside the recently released A-Frame Cabin.

The designer, GabKremo, initially set out to create a Cabin in the Woods-style building, but midway through the design process, they had a change of heart and decided to craft a stunning stone structure instead. The combination of stone and wood in this set creates a truly unique and captivating color scheme, capturing the designer’s vision perfectly.

🌟 Old Stone House Set 🏰

One notable aspect of the Old Stone House set is the meticulous attention to detail paid to the stonework. GabKremo aimed to replicate the look of ancient stone masonry, where the stones are irregular and interlocked to form the walls of the house. The result is a realistic and visually striking representation of an old, weathered structure, evoking a sense of history and charm.

The versatility of the Old Stone House set is another highlight. While it stands beautifully on its own, the design is intentionally compatible with various forest-like and medieval settings. Whether you’re creating a sprawling LEGO landscape or recreating a historical scene, this set seamlessly blends into any environment, allowing for endless creative possibilities.

With a total of 2080 parts sourced from 335 different lots, the Old Stone House set boasts an impressive build size of 42x40x27 studs. The build consists of three major modular sections: the ground and ground floor of the house, the upper floor, and the roof. These sections are easily detachable, ensuring convenient access and enhancing playability for LEGO enthusiasts of all ages.

Join the growing community of supporters backing the LEGO Ideas Old Stone House set, and help GabKremo reach the ambitious goal of gathering 10,000 supporters. With your support, this incredible creation could become a reality, captivating LEGO fans around the world and finding a special place among your own LEGO collection.

Support the Old Stone House Set Today

Support the LEGO Ideas Old Stone House set today and unlock a world of creativity and imagination, where history meets play. Together, let’s bring this captivating design to life! ✨🧱